This page contains descriptions and links for all of the tutorial videos we have produced. We’ve organized them into series reflecting the target user’s experience level.
All of our videos are on our YouTube channel and our YOUKU channel. The descriptions on YouTube contain detailed tables of contents for each video, including section timestamps.
Check back regularly as we add new content often. We always announce new videos on our LinkedIn blog and our Twitter feed.
GaussView Essentials
These videos cover GaussView’s most commonly-needed features in under an hour total. The first three videos are best viewed in order. They are all recommended for new to intermediate GaussView users.
1: Building Molecules |
2: Running Jobs |
3: Visualizing Results |
4: 3D Results Visualization |
5: Working with Spectra |
Demonstrates the basics of building molecules in GaussView: Using templates Setting angles between fragments Using symmetry Docking two structures Extended example: di-μ-oxo-bis(tetraamine manganese) |
Discusses setting up and running Gaussian jobs with GaussView: Energy jobs Opt and Opt+Freq Population analysis Modeling in Solution |
Covers examining basic results from Gaussian calculations: Calculation summary Atom and bond properties IRC plots Frequency results Anharmonic vibrational analysis |
Demonstrates visualizing MOs, surfaces and other volumetric data: Molecular orbitals Generating cubes Viewing surfaces Generating and viewing contours Working with multiple MOs Viewing the solvation cavity |
Illustrates how to view and customize predicted spectra: IR and Raman spectra Isotope substitution VCD spectra ROA spectra Optical rotatory dispersion results NMR spectra and chemical shifts |
GaussView Basics
The videos in this series are for beginning users of GaussView. They cover very basic concepts and operations with the application. The videos can be viewed in any order.
Getting Started with GV |
Building Molecules with GV |
Selecting Atoms in GV |
Gaussian Calculation Setup |
Introduces the fundamentals of using GaussView: The Main Window & Toolbar Inquire Mode Using the Mouse Modifying the Display Multiview Windows GaussView Preferences |
Demonstrates basic Molecule building and manipulation tools available in GaussView: Fragment Pallettes Modifying Bonds, Angles, and Dihedrals Understanding Bonds Inverting a Molecule |
Discusses methods for selecting atoms in GaussView: Using the Mouse The Atom Selection Editor Expanding Selections Selecting by PDB Residue The Atom List Editor |
Discusses the controls in the Gaussian Calculation Setup dialog, including all of its various panels and buttons. You will learn how to set up any type of Gaussian calculation you desire, including specifying additional input sections that may be required. |
Gaussian 25 & GaussView 7 Special Topics
The videos in this series are for intermediate to advanced users of Gaussian and GaussView. Each one focuses on a specific Gaussian capability and the GaussView features that support it. These videos may be viewed in any order.
Calculation Defaults & Schemes |
Describes convenience features for G25 job setup: Setting Calculation Defaults Defining Calculation Schemes Using Quick Launch |
Last updated: 19 July 2019.