Tantra Bensko

Tantra Bensko

Tantra teaches fiction writing through UCLA X, Writers College and her own Academy online. She has a couple hundred stories in journals, and has books out as well, such as Unside: A book of closed time-like curves, forthcoming from Dog Horn. She lives in Berkeley....
Rosemary Douglas Lombard

Rosemary Douglas Lombard

Animal behaviorist and writer Rosemary Douglas Lombard specializes in turtle cognition. Her WIP, Diode’s Experiment: A Box Turtle Investigates the Human World, narrates Diode’s story and the lab’s explorations in turtle-human communication. An adaptation won the 2011...
Ruth Sabath Rosenthal

Ruth Sabath Rosenthal

Ruth Sabath Rosenthal is a New York poet. Her poems have been well published in literary journals and poetry anthologies throughout the US and abroad. In 2006, her poem “on yet another birthday” was nominated for a Pushcart prize. Ruth’s chapbook, Facing Home, and her...
Samuel Vargo

Samuel Vargo

Samuel Vargo has written poetry and short stories for print and online literary magazines, university journals and commercial magazines. He worked most of his adult life as a newspaper reporter and also taught English as an adjunct teacher at several colleges and...
Manevid Ambrelama

Manevid Ambrelama

Mark Amidon has forgotten his umbrella. Pauline Alama has a thing for toads. Sandy McReynolds fixes frog-jumping races in his native California and tunnels under tall buildings at a single bound, but the red silk briefs are only hearsay. David Sklar could be a frog...
Atar Hadari

Atar Hadari

Atar Hadari was born in Israel, raised in England, and studied poetry in the USA. His Songs from Bialik: Selected Poems of H. N. Bialik (Syracuse University Press) was a finalist for the American Literary Translators’ Association Award, his debut collection,...
Changming Yuan

Changming Yuan

Changming Yuan, 4-time Pushcart nominee and author of Allen Qing Yuan, holds a PhD in English, teaches independently and edits Poetry Pacific in Vancouver. Yuan’s poetry appears in 629 literary publications across 24 countries, including Asia Literary Review, Barrow...
Giovanni Zuniga

Giovanni Zuniga

Giovanni Zuniga, born in Los Angeles, currently studies the lean format of Cinema Screenwriting at San Fransisco State while he indulges in red carpet fantasies. He spent a year abroad in Sweden, and after a wanderlust adventure, found fiction as an interesting way to...
Georgia Bellas

Georgia Bellas

A believer in the secret lives of inanimate objects. She is a writer, artist, and filmmaker. Her work appears in a number of journals, has been nominated for a Pushcart, and is included in Sundress Publications’ 2014 Best of the Net Anthology. You can follow her teddy...
Karen Berry

Karen Berry

Karen Berry lives and works in Portland, Oregon, where she manages social media for a local company. She is a graduate of Portland State University’s English department. Her poetry has appeared in numerous publications throughout the United States and Canada. Like...