Alexandra Umlas

Alexandra Umlas

Alexandra Umlas is a recent graduate of California State University, Long Beach’s MFA Poetry program. You can find her work in Rattle, Cultural Weekly, and The Poet’s Billow, among others, or at
Alan Walowitz

Alan Walowitz

Alan Walowitz ( has been published various places on the web and off. He’s a Contributing Editor at Verse-Virtual, an Online Community Journal of Poetry, and teaches at Manhattanville College. His chapbook, Exactly Like Love, is in its second...
Alan Harris

Alan Harris

Alan Harris is a hospice volunteer who helps patients write memoirs, letters, and poetry. Harris is the recipient of the 2014 John Clare Poetry Prize as well as the 2015 Tompkins Poetry Award from Wayne State University. His chapbook, “Hospice Bed Conversations”...