Tohm Bakelas

Tohm Bakelas

Tohm Bakelas is a social worker in a psychiatric hospital. He was born in New Jersey, resides there, and will die there. His poems have been featured in numerous journals. He has two published chapbooks Orphan Crows (Analog Submission Press, July 2018) and Destroy My...
Susan Cluff

Susan Cluff

Susan Cluff is a PR Consultant and speech coach in San Francisco. When not writing for companies or other people, she writes historical mysteries and flash fiction. Susan grew up in Toronto, Canada and holds a history degree from McMaster University. She is currently...
Rex Caleval

Rex Caleval

Rex Caleval lives in Regina, Canada, where he spent twenty years as an air-traffic controller. Always an avid reader with story ideas popping into his head, he decided to try writing some of them. He’s been pleased to find that some people like them.
Patrick Hare

Patrick Hare

Patrick M. Hare writes fiction and photophysics. He lives near Cincinnati, but maintains a virtual presence at
Marina Manoukian

Marina Manoukian

Marina Manoukian is an Armenian reader and writer. she currently resides in Berlin and is pursuing a Masters in English Philology. she delights in the participation of the reader and she really likes bumblebees. find more of her work at