Michelle Brooks

Michelle Brooks

Michelle Brooks has published a collection of poetry, Make Yourself Small (Backwaters Press), and a novella, Dead Girl, Live Boy (Storylandia Press). A native Texan, she has spent much of her adult life in Detroit.
Stephanie Butler

Stephanie Butler

Stephanie is a poet and mother of 7. She lives in Oregon with her family and enjoys the pursuit of a beautiful life.
Kim Bond

Kim Bond

Kim Bond’s writing appears in over thirty publications. She served as editor for several Christian anthologies such as Never Forsaken and Spiritual Citizens. Visit her at www.drawneartochrist.com.
Sarah Bigham

Sarah Bigham

Sarah Bigham lives with her kind chemist wife, three independent cats, an unwieldy herb garden and several chronic pain conditions. Her work appears in a variety of great places for readers, writers, and listeners. Find her at www.sgbigham.com.
Guy Biederman

Guy Biederman

Guy Biederman lives on a houseboat near San Francisco with his wife, daughter and two salty cats. He prefers to write on matchbooks, ATM receipts with low balances, and parking tickets while waiting for traffic lights to change. His work has appeared in many literary...