Kenneth Levine

Kenneth Levine’s short stories have been published or accepted for publication in New Plains Review, Anak Sastra, Thuglit, Imaginaire, Jerry Jazz Musician, SkewedLit and an anthology entitled Fresh. He is the winner of a Jerry Jazz Musician short story contest and the...
Charles Leggett

Charles Leggett

Charles Leggett is a professional actor based in Seattle, WA, USA. His poetry has been published in over three dozen journals in the US, the UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and Canada and has twice been nominated for the Pushcart Prize.
Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain

Tushar Jain is an Indian poet and author. He was the winner of the Srinivas Rayaprol Poetry Prize 2012, the Poetry with Prakriti Prize 2013, the RL Poetry Award 2014, the DWL Short Story Contest 2014 and the Toto Funds the Arts Award for Creative Writing 2016.
B. W. Jackson

B. W. Jackson

B. W. Jackson is a writer based in the Hudson Valley region of New York State. He can be reached at
Kenneth Holt

Kenneth Holt

K. Holt is a writer of fiction working from his native city of Los Angeles. He attended private schools before embarking on a twenty-year career in filmmaking that had him travel the world. Interests include religious and philosophical studies along with art and...