Robert Douglas Friedman

Robert Douglas Friedman

Robert Douglas Friedman’s short stories and humor pieces have appeared in Story Quarterly, Narrative, Slow Trains, Literally Stories, Penny Shorts and many other publications. He lives and works in New Jersey.
Shastra Deo

Shastra Deo

Shastra Deo was born in Fiji, raised in Melbourne and lives in Brisbane, Australia. Her work has appeared in Cordite, Mascara, Meanjin and elsewhere. Her first book, The Agonist (UQP 2017), won the 2016 Arts Queensland Thomas Shapcott Poetry Prize.
Carrie Cook

Carrie Cook

Carrie Cook received her MA in Creative Writing from Kansas State University and is currently living in Colorado. Her work has appeared in The Columbia Review, Midwestern Gothic, Menacing Hedge and Bartleby Snopes. Read some things she wrote at...

Brianna Bullen

Brianna Bullen is a Deakin University PhD candidate writing a thesis on memory in science fiction. She has had work published in places like LiNQ, Verandah, Voiceworks and Buzzcuts. She won the 2017 Apollo Bay short story competition and placed second in the 2017...
Andrea Bock

Andrea Bock

Andrea Bock is a piano player and a hospice aide. She loves children, animals and the elderly. Her favorite author is Washington Irving.