Ann Casapini

Ann Casapini

Ann Casapini is a yoga and meditation instructor, singer and salsa dancer. She has been published in The Sun, Intima (Columbia Univ.) and Weird Sisters (Scablands Books). Ann is a contributor to In 2018, her poem “Stop the Clocks” will be included in...
Lenni Burtt

Lenni Burtt

Lenni Burtt resides in Melbourne, Australia. Starting from an education in philosophy, she later turned to poetry to communicate what the former could not. Currently enrolled in a Master of Counselling at Monash University, she is interested in the place where ethics,...
Adam Bjelland

Adam Bjelland

Adam Bjelland is an English teacher from Long Island, New York. His writing has appeared in The Offbeat, Word Riot, The Other Stories and at Thirty West Publishing. You can also listen to Adam’s band here.
Lara Arikan

Lara Arikan

Lara Arikan is very young. She spends her time growing. Some of her prose & photographs have appeared in Bilkent University’s weekly publication Bilkent News. The rest of her work sleeps.
Edward Ahern

Edward Ahern

Edward Ahern has been an naval officer, newspaper reporter, intelligence agent, an international sales executive, and now a fiction and poetry writer. He’s lived in six countries, been to seventy five, and speaks four languages. In his free time, he enjoys shooting...