David Olsen

David Olsen

David Olsen’s Unfolding Origami (2015) won the Cinnamon Press Poetry Collection Award, and Past Imperfect, his second full-length collection, is forthcoming. Exit Wounds is his fourth chapbook from a US publisher. His work appears in leading journals and anthologies...
Olga Pavlinova Olenich

Olga Pavlinova Olenich

Olga Pavlinova Olenich is a widely published Australian whose work appears in local and international publications. Her poetry is included in several anthologies including Best Australian Poems (Black Inc., 2015)
Jane Morgan

Jane Morgan

Jane Morgan completed her BA in Writing at Southern Cross University in 2016. She lives with her musician husband and their two daughters in a nominally utopian township on the NSW far north coast, where truth is elusive and far stranger than fiction.
Katherine Montalto

Katherine Montalto

Katherine Montalto is an artist, writer and weirdo. A long time ago she was a chef. See more of her work at katherinemontalto.com.
Jessica Mehta

Jessica Mehta

Jessica Mehta is an award-winning Cherokee poet. She’s the author of the novel The Wrong Kind of Indian and six collections of poetry: Savagery and Constellations of My Body (both forthcoming), Secret-Telling Bones, Orygun, What Makes an Always and The Last Exotic...