Mariah Rose

Mariah Rose

Mariah Rose is an English major at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. Hobbies include knitting on the subway, tarot card reading, and falling into Wikipedia search holes. Work has previously been featured in Hyphen Literary Mag, Fishfood Mag and Ropes Literary...
Jade Riordan

Jade Riordan

Jade Riordan lives above the 60th parallel in northern Canada. She’s currently attending university further south (where it’s warmer and the sun sets at a more reasonable time). Her poetry has appeared in The Aurorean, Bywords, The Claremont Review, The Fib Review,...
Lee Reilly

Lee Reilly

Lee Reilly is the author of two nonfiction books. Her fiction and nonfiction have won recognition from Writers at Work, Barbara Deming Fund, Florida Review, Hunger Mountain, River Styx and other publications. She’s currently writing a book about life as a care worker...
Martin Jon Porter

Martin Jon Porter

Martin Jon Porter is a teacher who lives in Melbourne. His most recent poetry has featured in ArtAscent, Idiom 23 and Verandah. His debut chapbook, Traits, was published in 2016 by Ginninderra Press.
Brian Phipps

Brian Phipps

Brian Phipps is a physicist currently living in the Midwest. His work has most recently appeared in the South 85 Journal.