David Zaza

David Zaza

David Zaza’s writing has appeared in Ardor, The Quarterly, Squalorly and elsewhere. He has produced two puppet plays in collaboration with visual artist Mark Fox. He lives in New York, where he owns a small graphic design studio that produces arts publications. See...
Tyson West

Tyson West

Tyson West has published short stories in numerous speculative genres and poetry in free verse, form verse and haiku distilled from his mystical relationship with noxious weeds and magpies in Eastern Washington. He has no plans to quit his day job in real...
Sherre Vernon

Sherre Vernon

Sherre Vernon is an educator, a poet and a believer in the mystical power of words. Her work appears in many literary journals and in two award-winning chapbooks. She strives for emotional precision and linguistic efficiency, effects best achieved by stepping just...
David Susswein

David Susswein

David Susswein lives rather hermitically, in Eng-land, next to a turbulent sea. There he tries to write what he feels. Envoi, DreamCatcher & others have heard me. Sadly none of the above is funny. Sorry about that. FB: Chutney Andjam Twitter:...
Christopher Stolle

Christopher Stolle

Christopher Stolle’s poetry has appeared most recently or is forthcoming in the Tipton Poetry Journal, Flying Island, Branches, Indiana Voice Journal, Black Elephant and Sheepshead Review. He works as an acquisitions and development editor for Penguin Random House,...