Allyn Bernkopf

Allyn Bernkopf

Allyn lives in Northern Utah and received her Masters of Arts in English, emphasizing in poetry, from Weber State University. She currently teaches undergraduate English and poetry, and picks up odd jobs around town to subsidize the lack of money that she makes as an...
Cecilia Aragon

Cecilia Aragon

Cecilia Aragon’s six-word memoir reads: Programmer, pilot, professor, poet; what's next? The daughter of immigrants, she lives in Seattle, the city she once swore she'd never visit, where she teaches people the beauty of data. Her fiction has appeared in Cricket...
Sarah Ang

Sarah Ang

Sarah is a seventeen-year old student residing in the city-state of Singapore. A professional daydreamer, she often spends time staring off into the distance at nothing in particular. For her, writing is a way to transcribe these reveries into rational thought. Her...
Alexa Albanese

Alexa Albanese

Alexa Albanese received her BA in English: Writing & Literature and Theatre Arts from Emmanuel College, Boston, in May 2016. She was previously featured in Issue 4 of Ink & Letters, and is thrilled that “Watch Your Step as You Disembark” is her second published work....
Sara Wilson

Sara Wilson

Sara Wilson is a graduate of Vancouver Island University, earning her BA with a major in Creative Writing. Her poems have appeared in Portal, Dinosaur Porn, Slim Volume, and White Stag, with more poetry slated for publication in a number of literary magazines and...